The Children Are Watching Us

The Children Are Watching Us Italian I bambini ci guardano is a 1944 Italian drama film directed by Vittorio De Sica.

To distance herself from Roberto, Nina and Andrea agree to go on vacation with their son to a nearby beach hotel. The vacation occupies their time, seemingly happy with the prospect of a reunion. After Andrea says that he must go back home to his job, he suggests that Nina stay with Pric a few extra days that they may enjoy their time. After leaving, Nina is again pursued by Roberto who shows up unexpectedly at a hotel dance, at first successfully keeping him away. But after yielding to him once again, Pric is dismayed by her lack of faith. After Pric runs away, he is eventually brought back by the police officers while the hotel residents quickly start their own rumors as to the cause of his departing.After Pric and his mother return to their home town, Nina tells him outside their home to go on up and that shell be up after going on an errand. When Pric goes to see his father upstairs, he and his father realize the truth of why Nina is not there. Again distressed at the elopement of his wife, Andrea enrolls Pric in a boarding school. While his son is away, Andrea kills himself in despair. When Pric is told of the death at the school, both his mother and faithful maid are there to comfort him. Though very young, Pric understands the nature of his mother, refusing to go to her for comfort in favor of his maid. The film ends with Pric walking off, refusing to acknowledge his mother. ........

Source: Wikipedia